MARSON have extensive experience in the design and delivery of M&E projects across all areas of hospital engineering.
Mechanical and Electrical engineering services span across resilient campus infrastructure, all forms of operating theatres, intensive and high dependency facilities, aseptic facilities and ward refurbishments.

Experts in Hospital Engineering
Only a specialist M&E Services practice like MARSON are suitably experienced to undertake mechanical and electrical engineering services within a hospital. Critical systems must remain online for the duration of any healthcare project.
Mechanical and electrical projects of any size within a healthcare facility have the potential to put patient lives and vital hospital resources at risk. Empty beds or departments or indeed any planned or unplanned downtime is unacceptable.
The careful design process of healthcare projects includes a detailed, phased approach to installation. This audit process ensures that down-time never occurs during a project. This is our patient care, life saving, cost saving approach to project management.
At MARSON, our 25 years experience of healthcare project management means that hospital projects have a staged, risk averse and cost control approach.
Hospital Engineering
True specialists within the healthcare sector.
The healthcare consulting engineers at MARSON use innovative design techniques to ensure each project is safely delivered and in line with the clients specific requirements and HTM & HBN guidance documents.
We use emerging and established international design principles and research. Guaranteeing hospital projects meet the highest standards of safety, efficiency and are future proofed for emerging technologies.
Masters in healthcare project planning and delivery.
Innovative Design
Every aspect of hospital design from the air, light, heat, sanitation and
communications including nurse call and alarm systems.
/ Acute and Non Acute Healthcare Settings
A hospital environment is a controlled environment for patient and personnel safety.
Each area within a healthcare facility ranging from operating theatres, ventilation systems, A&E departments, maternity wards, ICU, kitchens and Communications Systems have unique Mechanical and Engineering requirements.
The role of MARSON with the design and build of hospitals is to ensure all specifications are met within the required safety standards and within the project timescale and budget.
We will lead the project with credibility and accountability.
/ Experts in Hospital Engineering
Current Projects
MARSON have delivered Healthcare Mechanical and Electrical Consultancy Services
to hospitals across Ireland and the United Kingdom.

District Heating System
We are presently delivering a new campus district heating system to a major healthcare facility in Dublin.
51 Bed Ward Refurbishment
We are delivering a 51 bed ward refurbishment to a major healthcare facility in Dublin.
Water Treatment and Infrastructure
We are designing a new water treatment and infrastructure for a private hospital in Dublin.
Central Sterile Services Department
We are designing a new Central Sterile Services department for a major hospital in Dublin.
Call us today to discuss your project requirements
Trust in our 25 years of experience
+353 86 3753363 // david.martin@marsoneng.com
+353 87 2420801 // stephen.robinson@marsoneng.com